What is the Rover Ruckus Challenge?
What Our Robot Can Do

In the Autonomous Period, our robot utilizes AI-camera tracking to identify a yellow cube on the floor, which is randomized before the autonomous period begins. Our robot then can track the position of the cube and move it from its original position (sampling). Some of our earlier designs of our robot were able to drop from the lander with varying levels of success, but future designs were too heavy to be supported.

Driver Controlled Period
In the Driver Controlled Period, our robot is able to push both the ball element and the cube element around the field with ease, to score points in the depot area. Our design works well when our alliance partner is able to obtain elements from the crater. Earlier designs of our robot included a method of extracting elements from the crater, but had to be removed in our final robot due to size constraints.

In the Endgame, our robot is able to latch onto the lander, and pull itself up using the large sliding mechanism on the front of the robot. This mechanism has proven to be reliable, allowing us to score the 50 points for end-game latching.
Competition Video